Commercial Enq. & Investigations

  • Asset Tracing
  • Cheque Fraud
  • False Accounting
  • Credit Card Fraud
  • Money Laundering

Our investigators are experienced in every aspect of investigation and intelligence gathering. This is imperative when conducting covert enquiries, which by their very nature require innovative and adaptable approaches that are wholly mindful of local conditions and are of course, legally acceptable.

Once the raw data and intelligence is collated, we use advanced software applications to analyze and present it in a readily available set-up. The advantage of using such investigative tools is that they provide easily understood matrix encompassing all important elements of an investigation, regardless of geographical boundaries. This investigation is complemented by the subjective assessment of experienced intelligence analysts and investigators, to produce a comprehensive report.

The nature of corporate fraud is such that it invariably crosses national boundaries and reaches into numerous countries. Able Mind Consulting is allied to a number of associates with whom we cooperate freely to combine our individual expertise and resources. This approach ensures that investigations are focused and investigations are conducted 'in-house', thus ensuring confidentiality and consistency of quality.

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For any inquiries or assistance, feel free to reach out through our easy-to-use contact form, or get in touch directly using the details below.
We're just a phone call or email away and ready to help you with anything you need.

Our Location

A3/52 Sector 18 Rohini, Delhi, India-110089

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